sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Como un animal by Najwa Nimri (bonus track version)

Seguiré la pista a ciegas y te encontraré. Alcanzaré la altura, caeré en picada y te encontraré. Como un animal en un combate yo te encontraré.

Sentí el viento en la cara, vi a los lobos pasar entre la oscuridad, intenté respirar y me puse a temblar.

Pasarás sin ser visto y te encontraré. Rodeado de tus guardianes yo te encontraré. Como un animal desesperado yo te encontraré. 

Y cuando te encuentre entre flores pegajosas, oliendo tierra mojada. Arrebatarás lo sagrado y yo beberé del manantial como un animal, como un animal, como un animal.

Paso a paso si ser visto, yo te encontrare, escoltado paso a paso yo te encontraré. Como un animal... 

Like an animal

i'll take the vague clues and i'll find you. I'll reach the top, i'll plummet and i'll find you. As if i were an animal fighting i'll find you. 

I felt the wind in my face, i saw the wolves among darkness. I tried to breathe but my body shook.

You'll go ahead invisibly. I'll find you surrounded by your guardians. I'll find you as if you were a hopeless animal. I'll find you.

And when i find you among humid flowers, smelling like rain. You'll grab the sacred and i'll drink from the spring water as if i were an animal, like an animal.

Step by step invisibly i'll find you, surrounded step by step i'll find you. Like an animal...

Como un animal (Bonus Track) by Najwa on Grooveshark

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